A Gold@Polydopamine Core–Shell Nanoprobe for Long-Term Intracellular Detection of MicroRNAs in Differentiating Stem Cells | Journal of the American Chemical Society
A Gold@Polydopamine Core–Shell Nanoprobe for Long-Term Intracellular Detection of MicroRNAs in Differentiating Stem Cells | Journal of the American Chemical Society
A Gold@Polydopamine Core–Shell Nanoprobe for Long-Term Intracellular Detection of MicroRNAs in Differentiating Stem Cells | Journal of the American Chemical Society,Hybridizing engineering strategy of decatungstate III: Transition metal modified carbon quantum dot-regulated photo-catalytic oxidation performance of decatungstate - ScienceDirect,Vascular architecture regulates mesenchymal stromal cell heterogeneity via P53-PDGF signaling in the mouse incisor - ScienceDirect,Ping i230 4-P set (DG 105 S300, blue dot) - For Sale Archive-For Feedback Reference - GolfWRX,Novel druggable mechanism of Parkinson's disease: Potential therapeutics and underlying pathogenesis based on ferroptosis - Jiang - 2023 - Medicinal Research Reviews - Wiley Online Library